- Foods, Nectar
- Orange Nectar Mix 150gm sachet
- With plenty of perching space, wild birds flock to drink nectar from this nectar bottle for that extra energy needed throughout the day. Fresh water can also be used for birds just to quench their thirst. Use our simple recipe attached. Do not add colouring or honey or any other additive. Its not good for birds! Single 150gm sachets also…
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- Foods, Nectar
- Orange Nectar Mix Bulk Pack 10 150gm sachets
- With plenty of perching space, wild birds flock to drink nectar from this nectar bottle for that extra energy needed throughout the day. Fresh water can also be used for birds just to quench their thirst. Use our simple recipe attached. Do not add colouring or honey or any other additive. Its not good for birds! Single 150gm sachets also…
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- Bird Grub Suet, Foods
- Our handy 30 x 100gm Ball Bucket
- The more the merrier! One Bird Grub Ball each day for 30 days. Packed with honest to goodness top quality ingredients for year round use.
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- Foods, Peanuts
- Peanut Block x 2 refill pack
- Always have a refill spare to fill your Peanut Tower with. Wild birds will be happy to spend hours pecking at this tasty snack.
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- Foods, Nutty Putty Feeders
- Pudding Feeder
- More customers are going nutty over our "No Mess" way of feeding birds! A feeder with a difference and it works. Fill with our "Nutty Putty" high energy nutty relish!
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- Foods, Seed products
- Seed Tower Refill 2 pack
- Keeping extra helps when you really need to feed after birds have finished off the first block of seed!
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- Foods, Nectar
- Strawberry Nectar Bulk Pack 150gm sachet
- With plenty of perching space, wild birds flock to drink nectar from this nectar bottle for that extra energy needed throughout the day. Fresh water can also be used for birds just to quench their thirst. Use our simple recipe attached. Do not add colouring or honey or any other additive. Its not good for birds! Single 150gm Sachets also…
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- Foods, Nectar
- Strawberry Nectar Mix Bulk Pack 10 150gm sachets
- With plenty of perching space, wild birds flock to drink nectar from this nectar bottle for that extra energy needed throughout the day. Fresh water can also be used for birds just to quench their thirst. Use our simple recipe attached. Do not add colouring or honey or any other additive. Its not good for birds! Single 150gm sachets also…
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- Bird Grub Suet, Foods
- Suet Bits 3 kg for wild birds
- A little bit goes a long way to entice the ground feeders like Robins and Thrushes to eat!
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- Bird Grub Suet, Foods
- Suet Bits 800 g for wild birds
- A little bit goes a long way to entice the ground feeders like Robins and Thrushes to eat!
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- Foods, Suet Pop
- Suet Pop 250g
- A hugely popular treat for wild birds! There's no penny pinching fillers here, Only Elaine's original and best recipe packed with high protein nutrient rich insects. Our "No Mess" handy food and feeder in one with built in perches also makes a great gift.
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- Foods, Suet Pop
- Suet Pop 550g mega
- A hugely popular treat for wild birds! There's no penny pinching fillers here, Only Elaine's original and best recipe packed with high protein nutrient rich insects. Our "No Mess" handy food and feeder in one with built in perches also makes a great gift.
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